Level 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 courses

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Level 2 Courses

The Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills (NCFE CACHE) course introduces learners to the use of counselling skills in everyday life and at work, and some of the approaches that underpin the use of these skills.

Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills

This course introduces students to the use of counselling skills in everyday life, and to approaches that underpin their use.


Level 2 Certificate in Awareness of Mental Health Problems

Mental health problems can affect anyone. This course aims to raise awareness and understanding around multiple mental health concerns.


Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Behaviour that Challenges

This course will equip you with an in-depth knowledge about behaviour that challenges and how best to manage it.


Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Children and Young People’s Mental Health

This course covers the impacts of and support for mental health problems most commonly associated with children and young people.


Level 3 Courses

The Level 3 Diploma in Counselling Skills (NCFE CACHE) course is the first step on your journey toward becoming a qualified counsellor, and enables you to develop an in-depth knowledge of counselling skills. If you already have some knowledge or experience in counselling or related skills, or hold a Level 2 qualification, you can enrol straight onto the Level 3.

Level 3 Certificate in Understanding Mental Health

Learn how to support mental wellbeing through various stages of life and forms of mental ill health.


Level 3 Diploma in Counselling Skills

This course will equip you with an in-depth understanding of how counselling skills are used in everyday life and work.


Advanced Diploma (Level 4 equivalent) Courses

After successfully completing the Level 3 Diploma, you can progress your journey towards becoming a qualified counsellor or psychotherapist by completing a Level 4 or equivalent qualification, such as the Advanced Diploma in Counselling.

Advanced Diploma in Counselling – NCS Accredited (Level 4 equivalent)

This two-year course will advance students’ practical and theoretical counselling knowledge, exploring client work and professional practice.


Advanced Specialist Diploma (Levels 5 + 6 equivalent) Courses

Advanced Specialist Diploma (Levels 5 and 6 equivalent) courses are perfect for qualified counsellors looking to take the next step and develop their skills further.

Advanced Specialist Diploma in Counselling Young People (Level 5 equivalent)

Discover theories and techniques designed to equip you with the skills required to counsel young people ethically and competently.


Advanced Specialist Diploma in Psychotherapy (Level 5 equivalent)

Ready for the next step in your counselling training? This course is designed to deepen your self-development and professional practice.


Advanced Specialist Diploma in Relationship Counselling (Level 5 equivalent)

Beginning by exploring what constitutes a healthy relationship, this course looks at common themes which arise when counselling couples.


Advanced Specialist Diploma in Clinical Supervision (Level 6 equivalent)

This twelve-session comprehensive course will give you the skills, knowledge and confidence you need to start your own supervisory practice.


1Some courses are available via more than one study method - see individual courses for available options.

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