Welcome to the CCPT Careers Hub, where you can connect with fellow CCPT students and learn a little more about what your course could do for you.
Careers in counselling and psychotherapy
At CCPT, we pride ourselves on enabling students from a range of backgrounds and levels of experience to become fully qualified practitioners in their chosen field. This will unlock a number of opportunities:
Career opportunities
There is strong demand for qualified counsellors:
• Over 50% of people waiting for counselling and psychotherapy on the NHS are waiting more than 3 months to receive treatment, whilst 1 in 10 patients wait for more than a year just to be assessed for treatment1.
• 62% of schools offer counselling services to their pupils2.
• The number of students seeking mental health support at university has rocketed by more than 50% in five years3.
How much does a counsellor earn?
• Average salary: £25,654 (starter) to £45,838 (experienced)4
• Counsellors in private practice may typically charge between £40 and £80 for a 50-minute session5.
A worthwhile career as a counsellor
• “Nearly 3 million people in Britain are in ‘distressed’ relationships where they regularly argue or consider divorce.”6
• 602,000 workers suffer from work-related stress, depression or anxiety annually7.
• The number of children having therapy for anxiety has risen by 60% in two years8.
• 17.9 million working days are lost annually due to stress, depression or anxiety9.
• 92% of young people will experience what they see as a significant bereavement before the age of 1610.
Helping people through difficult times can lead to life-changing results for clients, and be incredibly rewarding as a counsellor.
A range of fields
Whatever your background or ambitions, once you have successfully completed your chosen course, your new skills will be highly sought-after and can complement your work in many fields, including:
• Social work
• Nursing
• Police
• Prison service
• Working with children
• Complementary therapy
• Humanitarian work
• Human Resources in businesses
• Teaching in schools or nurseries
• Care work (e.g. Care Assistant, Support Worker, or Key Worker)
• Team Leader or Manager in an organisation
• Any role where you regularly communicate with other people
1 Source: https://www.mind.org.uk/media/494424/we-still-need-to-talk_report.pdf
2 Source: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/497825/Counselling_in_schools.pdf
3 Source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-45824598
4 Source: https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/job-profiles/counsellor (Earning potential is a guide.)
5 Source: https://www.prospects.ac.uk/job-profiles/counsellor
6 Source: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/love-sex/one-in-five-couples-in-distressed-relationships-report-finds-a7047521.html
7 Source: http://www.hse.gov.uk/statistics/causdis/stress.pdf (Figures relate to 2018/2019.)
8 Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/12/08/number-children-having-anxiety-counselling-rises-60-per-cent2/
9 Source: https://www.hse.gov.uk/statistics/dayslost.htm
10 Source: https://www.jrf.org.uk/report/impact-bereavement-and-loss-young-people
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